Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Nonsense....

  1. My ward has recently been given the chance to do baptisms for the dead, and it is totally cool that that we are going but guess what night me are going on: Tues. at 4:00 pm! The same exact time as the MLB All Star Game! I have been waiting for this all season, and the one night it is on , I am doing baptisms for the dead! I hate it when things happen on the same night! Oh yeah, MARK REYNOLDS WON'T BE PLAYING IN THE ALL STAR GAME!!!! Who wouldn't love this face :to play in the All Star Game!Crazy!!!!
  2. My fam. has been going to Brimhall lately and like nobody is there, it is perfect!
  3. My b-day is in 17 days!!!!
  4. I am so excited for book store days! Even though it is on my birthday, I am still really excited!
  5. Sadie got a blog!
  6. Me and Victoria were gonna take pictures(outside) and it looked like it was gonna rain and so that went our fun. No pictures:(

1 comment:

Victoria Renae said...

sorry u have 2 miss ur game- o well. to bad about the pics 2. well just do em l8r. c u!