Sunday, July 20, 2008

No One Messes With My Mama + Joker= One Funny Week!

Today, we were going to pick up my dad from the airport, and some crazy woman was nearly pushing us off the the road, so my mom speeds up and gets her spot WHOOO HOOOO!!! MOM WINS CRAZY ROAD RAGE WITH SOME PSYCHO WOMAN!

Me, Sarah, and Victoria went an
d saw Batman- ,The Dark Knight, on Friday, It was the best movie ever!!!! We were freakin' out! IT WAS SO AWESOME!! Heath Ledger should DEFINITELY win an award for that movie! It was a little violent, O.K, a lot violent, but it is a MUST SEE movie. If you have small, crazy brothers like mine, then I wouldn't recommend taking them, they will have nightmares!

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