Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sorry, I haven't blogged in quite some time, I just figure I am to lazy. So here are some random thoughts that just magically popped into my head....
  1. Pedicures rock... thanks Victoria and Sis. Alexander (He, hem....Renae).
  2. ASU football, I am soooo excited! Note to Victoria- which game(s) are you going to?
  3. My muscles drastically hurt from this awesome new hit-a-way gadget thing-a-ma-jig that I got for my birthday.
  4. My backpack is way to small, I need a new one, this is the one I want:But since my price range is very minimal, I can't find one ANYWHERE! I need suggestions.
  5. School rocks!!!!!!!!!
  6. The thunderstorms and lightning lately have been super natural and awesome at the same time!
  7. Twilight, I have finally given in, I am going to read it very soon!
  8. Tonight is the stake fireside, and I am flippin' out! I love firesides!
  9. My wonderful Mom and Dad have decided (I surprisingly didn't have to ask) to sign me up for an ASU softball hitting camp! Thanks Mom and Dad!


Victoria Renae said...

Those peti's were fun! I don't know what games I'm going to; I'll find out.

Jenny said...

Ashlyn your never going to get that backpack so stop saying you are! just kidding! :)