Sunday, August 3, 2008

O.K., so I've been to lazy to post lately, so I am posting for July 31 and August, so, here it it goes.

On July 31st it was my birthday, so first, at 10:00 A.M. I went to Lorissa's 13th birthday party, then me and my Mom and my Brothers decided to go to the the store, but I was still wearing my pajamas and all these people were looking at me like I was crazy or something. That was fun. Then I went home and watched Step- Up and Step- Up 2 for 5 hours. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!

Then on August first, I woke up had to baby sit. Then we got ready for my party..... Well, soon as my party started we ate pizza and watched a movie. My awesome friends were: Sarah, Sadie, Lorissa, Allison, Melissa, Madi, Keila, Tyra, Avery, Kaley, and Caitlin. Oh, and Victoria, I really missed you at my party, it wasn't as fun without you. Thanks to all my awesome friends who gave me the awesome presents! Sarah and Sadie, I think you guys talked before you gave me my present. JK. And then after the party, me and Kaley stayed up til 3:00 in the MORNING!!!!

Oh Yeah, today is Mark Reynolds birthday!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Sadie!! said...

I am glad you like the bracelet! Yeah me and Sarah totally talked over and made sure they went together! lol!