Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Harrison Ford In Indiana Jones!!!!


Oh yeah.......... I was so caught up in the D- backs game that I forgot to tell you that I went and saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!!!! Now that was a movie that I could see over and over again. The characters did an awesome job!!! It was kinda a mix of, ET and, Pirates of the Caribbean. I just can't wait for it to come out on DVD!!!!


Victoria Renae said...

oh my gosh i want to see it sooo bad! we were gonna see it this morning, but gracie dropped a glass on her toe and we think she might have broken it. oh well. we might see it this week, you should come with if you want to watch t again.

Victoria Renae said...

response to your comment:

ya it is pretty sad, but she can walk on it, so its totally fine. being the trooper that she is, she started chasing emma right after. :)