Saturday, July 5, 2008

This is me and Victoria on ATVs, If any of you ask, we were born in 1992 and go to Desert Ridge High.(Right Victoria...ha ha!)

Well, my birthday is in 25 days, and I still have no hackin' clue what I'm gonna do.... And even though I am thrilled to have my birthday here, school starts 6 day after my birthday on August 6th. Don't get me wrong, school is the best, I love school, but this whole getting up at 5:00 a.m. is getting to be a drag. But lately me and my Mom have been doing some major shopping and if any of you need to find cute clothes and school backpacks or whatever.... GO TO TILLYS AND AEROPOSTALE!!! 5$ shirts at Aeropostale, insane, and Tillys is having a HUGE sale right now!!!
I just can't wait for school to start!!! So pretty soon, maybe in my next post I will list the 'exciting' events that have happened over the summer. Yay, well..... I am gonna end this post...l8r!

1 comment:

Victoria Renae said...

oh my gosh thank u so much for the sale info! i need to go school shopping!