Thursday, June 12, 2008

Which Disney Princess Are You?

I just took my B.F.F. Victoria's totally awesome quiz! I turned out to be the most like Mulan-
''strong and spirited. You are no one's girly girl; actually you are a very determined person with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something or someone you love.''

Quiz results:
Ariel- 11%
Mulan- 22%
Cinderella- 22%
Snow White- 11%
Jasmine- 0%
Aurora- 11%
Belle- 0%
Pocahantas- 11%
Megara- 0%
Esmerelda- 11%


Victoria Renae said...

coolio julio! I was aurora, who is my favorite princess! hackin' sweetness!

Victoria Renae said...

i love your backround! you can look at some more at